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Why did finances worsen in 2020 for medical practices?

Updated: Apr 29, 2022

Medical Economics® has recently presented its 92nd Physician Report with data collected from physician audience on salaries, productivity, malpractice rates, the state of the profession, and much more. The survey was conducted by HRA®, a full-service health care market research agency and a brand of MJH Life Sciences™.

SCS dives into the main reasons finances worsened in 2020 according to this report, and we just happen to have the best solution for each financial problem listed. Tell us, have any of these happened to you?


#1: Lost Revenue / Increased expensed due to Covid-19.

SCS SOLUTION: Our service portfolio offers medical providers different managing options to make the most out of those personal injury receivables that have yet to get paid. Cash that money NOW with us and don't wait years to get paid (or even getting paid at all). Go to and start today.

#2: More time spent on uncompensated Tasks.

SCS SOLUTION: Release your staff from the burden of collecting medical receivables. Our team of professional veterans with +30 years of industry knowledge can service accounts for you, so you and your staff can focus on what really matters, like patient care. Visit for more information.

#3: Lower Reimbursement.

SCS SOLUTION: Difficult times have taken a huge toll on your practice's cash flow. We can alleviate this by purchasing your personal injury receivables. This is money you have awaiting to get paid (which may take years or not even get paid at all), so make the most of it today! Go to and submit the Medical Lien Funding form. It takes less than a minute and we will get back to you with a proposal ASAP!

#4: Higher Overhead.

SCS SOLUTION: There is no need for overloading your staff with collecting your medical receivables while also dealing with all your practice's activities. Let us take over and help you manage your personal injury medical receivables. We can either service your accounts and collect them for you, or we can purchase them to give you fast cash in return. Choose the best option for you here: for Medical Lien funding, and for Servicing Medical Receivables.

Let's welcome the opportunity of working together and help you boost your practice's potential with capital injection! SCS.

To know more about the Medical Economics 92nd Physician Report, please go to:



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